Eight days, five co-workers, 830 kilometres. These are the figures of a fantastic experience lived by a group of Focke Meler employees. The challenge was to do St. James’s Way on a bicycle. The goal was achieved, but not without effort.
On the 9th of June, a group of five workers of the Focke Meler manufacturing plant in Orkoien started their journey from our facilities to Santiago.
Two of the participants were already veterans of the Camino and the others were doing if for the first time. Zumaia, Castro Urdiales, Comillas, Gijón, Navia, Villalba and Santiago were the destinations of each leg of the journey and, according to them, reaching each of these places at the end of the day was the highest point of the whole trip. The worse? Without a doubt, the weather conditions that made the journey harder (particularly, the rain was a big problem, as was the cold) and fatigue. All of them agree that the hardest day was the second one, Zumaia to Castro Urdiales. They also agreed on the most stunning location: the incredible Playa de las Catedrales in Ribadeo. Certainly a must-see…
The general feeling about this adventure is very positive and they are grateful for having shared this experience with colleagues from Focke Meler and having arrived at the same time. St. James’s Way was an athletic challenge for all of them that doesn’t end here: they want to keep improving and one of the possible plans for next year is another trip to Santiago… but this time from the South of Portugal. Challenges at Focke Meler never end! Congratulations to our colleagues.
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